
E3MOM for 18 minutes complete 2 rounds of 10 C2B pull-ups and 10 OHS 95/65.

*Thanksgiving schedule: We will be closed on Thursday the 26th. We will have 2 classes on Friday the 27th, 8:30am and 4:30pm.


WOD 1: EMOM for 7 minutes complete 1 power clean and 2 front squats @ 50% of 1 RM back squat.

WOD 2: 3 RFT of 400m run, 10 hang to overhead 135/95 and 15 TTB. (20 minute time cap)

*Thanksgiving schedule: We will be closed on Thursday the 26th. We will have 2 classes on Friday the 27th, 8:30am and 4:30pm.


WOD: For time:

30 TTB, 30 OHS 95/65, 30 ball slams 25/15

20 TTB, 20 OHS 95/65, 20 ball slams 25/15

10 TTB, 10 OHS 95/65, 10 ball slams 25/15


Thanksgiving schedule announcement!

-Closed on Thursday Nov, 26th (Thanksgiving)

-8:30am and 4:30 pm on Friday Nov, 27th (Black Friday)



WOD: 20 minute partner AMRAP.

Partner 1 runs 400m, partner 2 rows.

Rotate every time the runner returns.

Score is total number of meters rowed.


WOD: 5 RFT 200m run, 6 hang power cleans 185/135, 15 box jumps 24/20


WOD 1: Back squat 5 x 2 @ 90% of 1 R.M. Or make up 1 R.M. back squat if you missed it.

WOD 2: For time:

50 KB swings 24/16 kg

50 push-ups

50 jumping lunges

50 sit-ups

50 SDHP 24/16 kg


25 KB swings 24/16 kg

25 push-ups

25 jumping lunges

25 sit-ups

25 SDHP 24/16 kg



WOD: 20 minute AMRAP of:

10 pull-ups

20 push press 95/65

30 double unders


In teams of 2 complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

7 power cleans 95/65

7 thrusters 95/65

7 burpee over the bar

*1 person working at a time, once partner 1 completes round 1 partner 2 will start round 2… and so on.


WOD 1: Clean and jerk (15 minutes)

WOD 2: 3 rounds for time: 50 double unders and 50 sit-ups

*15 minute time cap


WOD 1: 12 minute AMRAP of 200m run + 6 muscle-ups

*scale for MU 3:1 pull-ups and dips

WOD 2: 60 calorie row, 40 OHS 115/75 and 20 SDHP 115/75

*12 minute time cap