
WOD 1: EMOM for 6 minutes:

Advanced: 3-3-6-6-9-9 reps of: HSPU and deadlifts 225/155

Intermediate: 3-3-6-6-9-9 reps of: S2O and deadlifts 125/85

Beginner: reps of: 3-3-6-6-9-9 S2O AND Deadlifts 95/65

WOD 2: 3 RFT:

Advanced: 15 Box jumps 30/24 and 10 thrusters 155/105.

Intermediate: Box jumps 24/20 125/85.

Beginner: box jumps 20/16 95/65.

*100m run penalty for breaking up thrusters

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