

1) Low Box Squat, Moderate Stance: 8 x 2 @60%, every 60s.
– 12-13” Box
– These are intended to be done below parallel.
– If possible use bands or chains and drop to 50%.
2) Sumo Deadlift: 4 x 4 @60%, every 60s.
– Reset on each rep (not touch n go)
– Feet should be only 2” away from plates.


4 Rounds, not for time:
50 Ft. Single Arm Farmer Carry each side, AHAP.
30 Banded Pull-Throughs
20 Steps DB Walking Lunges (total)
10 Banded Pallof Press each side, Wide Stance + 1 count hold at the end of each rep.
*Rest 2:00 Between rounds.

*Score = #1 Goal to achieve at the gym within the next 60 days.

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