
Strength :


Ring or Bar Muscle Ups:

RX+ : 10 x 2-3, every 60 seconds

RX : 8 x 2-3, every 60-90 seconds

L3 : 6 x 1-2, every 60-90 seconds

L2 : 6 sets of Ring Muscles up transitions + 5-8 pushups after each set

L1 : 1a) DB Neutral Grip Bench Press 4 x 6. Rest 45 seconds

1b) 1-arm DB Rows 4 x 8. Rest 45 seconds



Metcon :


3 Rounds of :

1:00 Rope Climbs or strict pull ups

1:00 of Hollow Rocks

1:00 single unders

1:00 Wallballs (20, 14)

1:00 TGU’s (alternate arms)

1:00 Rest


Score = total reps


RX+ : (Legless Rope Climbs)

L2 : (Band assisted Strict Pull ups) (14, 10)

L1 : (Ring Rows) (10, 8)



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