
WOD 1: Fran

21-15-9 reps of

thrusters 95/65 and pull-ups


WOD 2:

work to a 1 RM thruster.

*From the floor


8:30 AM WOD Partner WOD

6 Minute max calorie row

1 row

1KB hold OH

6 Minute max me ball sit-up

1 sit-up

1 push-up hold

6 Minute kettle bell swings

1 KB swing

1 200m run

*score is reps


WOD 1: 2 RM push jerk (20 minutes)

WOD 2: 10 minute AMRAP of: 2 hang cleans and 2 jerks, 10 air squats, 15 KB swings.

A: 165/115 – 32/24 kg

I: 135/95 – 24/16 kg

B: 95/65 – 16/10 kg


Skill: rope climb. For everyone who can rope climb we have something for you too.

WOD: 500m row, 50 sit-ups, 50 push-ups, 25-sit-ups, 25 push-ups


WOD 1: 2 RFT:

10 TGU L

10 TGU R

200m run

A: 32/24 KG

I: 24/16 KG

B:16/10 KG


WOD 2: for time:

20 Deadlifts

5 Pull-ups

15 Deadlifts

10 Pull-ups

10 Deadlifts

15 Pull-ups

5 Deadlifts

20 Pull-ups

A: 225/155





WOD 1: Hang snatch + 2 OHS. (20 minutes)

WOD 2: 3 RFT: 15 burpees, 12 TTB and 9 squat snatch 135/95


WOD 1: Front squats 5 x 5 @ 80%

WOD 2: 6 minute AMRAP of 7 S2O and 30 double unders

A: 135/95


B: 95/65


For time:

800m run with med ball 20/14


4 rounds of 10 wallball shots and 10 med ball sit-ups

400m run with med ball


2 rounds of 10 wallball shots and 10 med ball sit-ups

200m run with med ball


10 wallball shots and 10 med ball sit-ups


WOD 1: EMOM for 6 minutes:

Advanced: 3-3-6-6-9-9 reps of: HSPU and deadlifts 225/155

Intermediate: 3-3-6-6-9-9 reps of: S2O and deadlifts 125/85

Beginner: reps of: 3-3-6-6-9-9 S2O AND Deadlifts 95/65

WOD 2: 3 RFT:

Advanced: 15 Box jumps 30/24 and 10 thrusters 155/105.

Intermediate: Box jumps 24/20 125/85.

Beginner: box jumps 20/16 95/65.

*100m run penalty for breaking up thrusters


Advanced: 2000m row, 50 pistols (alternating) and 20 hang cleans 185/135

Intermediate: 2000m row, 50 pistols or 100 air squats and 20 hang cleans 135/95

Beginner: 2000m row, 50 air squats and 20 hang cleans 95/65