
Warm Up : (10 Minutes)

Grab a KB and a Jump Rope:

10 Russian Swings

10 Hollow Rocks


30 Double Unders or 30 Single Unders

10 American Swings

10 Hollow Rocks


30 Double or Single Unders


Metcon : (30 Minutes)

5 Rounds of

40s Work/20s Rest:

1a) KBS (53, 35)

1b) SDHP (53, 35)

1c) Bike / Row / Ski for Cals

1d) Double Unders

1e) Hollow Rocks

*Score = total reps



Strength : (20  Minutes)

*Done post metcon as a finisher

3 Rounds of:

1a) DB Split Squats x 6 ea.

Rest 30s

1b) Zottaman Curls x 8.

Rest 30s.

1c) Banded Ab Pulldown x 25.

Rest 30s



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