
Warm Up : (5 Minutes)

20 Air Squats
20 Sit-ups
20 Walking Lunges
20 Supermans


Mobility : (5 Minutes)

Tissue Work x 10 passes each:
– Have people pick 3 spots they are
most sore and devote about 1:00 to


Strength : (20 Minutes)

1a) Farmer Carry x 100 meters, AHAP.
Rest 30-60s.
1b) Heavy Sledpush x 40 meters. Rest

*Move back and forth between farmers carry and sledpush


Metcon : (20 Minutes)

With a 17 minute running clock:
0:00-7:00, AMRAP of:
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatch (75, 55)
AMRAP from 10:00-17:00, AMRAP of:
30 Double Unders
15 Hang Power Clean (75, 55)
10 Air Squats
L3: (65, 35)
L2: (55, 25) (Double Under Attempts)
L1: (45, 25) (x2 Single Unders)

*rest between minutes 7 – 10, score is total reps done in the 17 minutes



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