Partner WOD
Round 1
Partner 1: 60 seconds of thrusters
Partner 2: 60 seconds of thrusters
Partner 1: 60 seconds of pull-ups
Partner 2: 60 seconds of pull-ups
Rounds 2
Partner 1: 45 seconds of thrusters
Partner 2: 45 seconds of thrusters
Partner 1: 45 seconds of pull-ups
Partner 2: 45 seconds of pull-ups
Round 3
Partner 1: 30 seconds of thrusters
Partner 2: 30 seconds of thrusters
Partner 1: 30 seconds of pull-ups
Partner 2: 30 seconds of pull-ups
Round 4
Partner 1: 15 seconds of thrusters
Partner 2: 15 seconds of thrusters
Partner 1: 15 seconds of pull-ups
Partner 2: 15 seconds of pull-ups